Aloe Vera Cube Cure for Sun Burns



Summer may be on the downtrend but it still continues to seethe and burn especially after for those who travel a lot. Your SPF lotion may sometimes wear and out and the sting of the sunburn can be quite painful. We found this very simple and easy to make sunburn cure using the gel of the Aloe Vera plant.

1. Take fresh aloe gel from the leaf and scrape it out in a bowl.If you don’t have fresh gel you could use the organic ones sold in the Beauty stores also.

2. Take an ice tray and fill the gel to ½ of the slot in the tray

3. Take a drop of either tea tree or rose essential oil and mix it in the gel

4. Drop a rose petal on top of the gel for a nice look.

5. Put the ice tray in the freezer and freeze the gel completely.

Once frozen, take out a frozen cube and you will see a nice wobbly and cool aloe gel cube. Whenever you have an ice burn you can rub the cube over the burnt part. This cube can also be used on the face as it works as a nice facial rub to soothe the skin from any allergies or rashes.