T-Government drops 1956 condition?


According to latest reports, Telangana government that initially plans to reimburse the fees to only Telangana students under FAST scheme taking 1956 as reference year to determine nativity, is said to be dropped this reference year now. However, it puts certain conditions to filter the beneficiaries.Those who possess a three-bed room house or four wheeler vehicles, or having two acres of agricultural land and government employees, businessmen are not eligible for the pensions, ration cards, fees reimbursement under FAST scheme and other welfare schemes announced by the state government.


So, those who are seeking any of these benefits from the state government have to obtain income, cast and nativity certificates from Tahasildars of their respective regions. State government will grant the pensions or fees reimbursement after verifying these certificates submitted by the applicants. Although, it drops considering 1956 as reference year idea, the fresh conditions may help the government to reduce its financial burden by eliminating ineligible groups. But, it may give another opportunity to opposition parties to criticize the Telangana government for escaping from its elections promises.