Let TDP and YSRCP explain what Equal Justice is: Botsa


PCC president Botsa Satyanarayana, who has been absconding from his home town Vizianagaram since last few weeks fearing facing the ire of the Samaikyandhra activists choses Hyderabad as his temporary abode. However, he was caught in New Delhi today by some Samaikyandhra activists, while conducting a press meet. They demand him to reveal his stand on bifurcation and demand for his resignation.


Later speaking to media he said “Congress is dividing the state only after all the political parties have given their consent. But, now both TDP and YSR Congress doing bus-yatras blaming our party. They are desperately trying to gain political mileage out of this issue. Instead of explaining their stand on bifurcation, Chandrababu and Sharmila are provoking the people to agitate against the government. I came to know they both are demanding equal justice to the people. They both are bluffing the people with their equal justice demand. I would like to know actually what they meant by equal justice Let them elaborately explain about it, so as people like me can understand?”