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Tricks To Save Time

Every human on this earth has 24 hours a day at his disposal. It all depends on how they use it. Time is so elusive that it would slip between our fingers. Let’s find some time tested methods to save such precious time.


The 2 minute rule

David Allen has mentioned about this rule in his bestselling book- Getting Things Done. Completion of tiny tasks such as disposal of garbage, sending an e-mail, changing a bulb... would all take around 2 minutes in time! Allen advices not to procrastinate such tasks as they would take much time and effort when postponed!


No commitments

Some might need your help and some might just request your company. Just say NO to those commitments in which you aren’t interested. Let them know that you have some other work to do. But be aware that your declining of a request is not going to hurt your relation.


Wastage into productivity

Life can be full of waiting. Waiting at a doctor’s clinic, waiting for the bus to reach destination, waiting for a friend to come... waiting kills much of our time. Devoting such time to productive works can save hours at the end of the day. Tasks such as checking out the mails or making important calls can be completed during such time.


Abuse of time

Life has changed a lot. And we seem to have invented too many ways of entertainment. Television, Internet, Social media, Cell phones can all lead us to knowledge and communication. But they can kill our time as well. Watch out the time you are spending on such activities.


Shopping with sense

Shopping can kill much of our time. Plan to shop all your requirements in one trip. You can also purchase in bulk to avoid frequent visits. If your intention is not to spend your time in shopping, then you can always plan it to be quick and perfect.



Chalking down your priorities and scheduling them could avoid procrastination. Doing the right thing at the right time is the best way to reach success. And a schedule would always warn you to be accurate.


No leftovers

Tasks that remain unaccomplished would always be a burden on our mind. They constantly hold us back and burn our confidence down. So be sure that you have no unfinished tasks from the past that has to be completed.


- Nirjara.