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Everybody goes through that phase in life where you feel the most inferior… Yes I have been through that too…

I was 13 years old and I was dumb as an ass… I was a complete nerd!! I don’t know if it was the pre-teen hormones raging inside me… But I wanted to be the most popular but not so popular girl in my school. I wanted to be calm and aggressive at the same time..

When I look back and see myself now I sometimes feel I just over reacted a bit though people say it’s completely normal!!! You constantly keep comparing yourself to people around you which is totally unnecessary

Well these would be the 10 things I would say to the 13 year old myself back then..

1. You are the most beautiful person ever. You don’t have to overdo yourself in any possible way. You are perfect just the way you are.

2. Don’t constantly compete with everyone around you. Sometimes it’s ok not to be one step ahead in everything and anything.

3. Have patience my child!! It will pay you rewards. Shams of Tabriz once said “ Patience does not mean to passively endure. It means to be far-sighted enough to trust the end result of a process. It means to look at the thorn and see the rose. It means to look at the night and see the dawn.”  So we must know that time is needed for the crescent moon to become full.

4. Don’t panic when something happens out of the blue or not according to the plan. Just accept the change and go with the flow.

5. Just enjoy your life and live to the fullest that very moment.. Once you get out of school. You will miss it like hell!!

6. Keep your room clean or you will see embarrassing times when your friends or family suddenly come home!! (Doesn’t matter even if I don’t tell you this because u will never change over this)

7.  Control your anger darling. You will never win over your parents.. U think u are just making apoint. They think you are just showing attitude. So acceptance is always better. U say no and   there will be consequences.

8. Exercise!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

9. And those plaits with big fat white ribbons you wear to school and look like headphones right on your ears.. Just bear with it. You can’t do anything about it. You can’t just cut them and make them small .You will just spoil it even more.(For Indian school girls where the school is strict about Uniforms)

10. And boys are not aliens. Just try to act normal when they are around.. As time passes you will see some of them are really cool.This applies not only to me but to every girl out there or as a matter of fact every 13 year old out there.

So. Now that u know you are going to be matured enough .Don’t you worry about what happens in future. You will shine as bright as any sun rays that ever hit the earth.

I hope this is of some help to you guys.

“Keep calm be you!!”

 By Sanjana Kunde