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Pineapple – A Fruit with Benefits!!





This spiny fruit is a tropical fruit of American origin. It has the enzyme called Bromelain which of late has been discovered to kill the cancer without killing us inside out!


This manganese rich fruit aids in the building strong bones and connective tissues. Manganese besides strengthening the tissue it also has anti-inflammatory properties, providing mild relief to the joint pains.

The regular intake of pineapple prevents mucus accumulation in the throat and lungs, thus clearing the airways and also aids in managing the symptoms of asthma. It also keeps edema under check due to its Vitamin C content.

This spiny fruit is a rich source of anti-coagulant, so it prevents blood clots. A cup freshly chopped pineapple is advised for people suffering with bleeding disorders.

With the advancement in science we have been able to recognize the ability of Bromelain-an enzyme of pineapple to cure many types of cancer such as; breast cancer, brain cancer called Glioma, colon cancer, skin cancer and lung cancer.

Pineapple is also effective in preventing inflammation and infections of the digestive tract. It prevents colitis – inflammation of colon, irritable bowel syndrome and constipation.

Pineapple has the acidic components which discourage the plague and bacterial growth in mouth and maintain oral hygiene.

Pineapple is great source of relief for expecting mothers too. They are capable of preventing the morning sickness which is a common problem faced by carrying-mothers. It also helps in production of good quantity and quality of breast milk.

Now that, we know its uses, we should opt for way of intake such that we get maximum benefits. Experts say that taking pineapple on an empty-stomach is best to absorb all its goodness. If taken along with other foods it aids in digestion alone!

Take Care!!