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Make it a choice To Make a Choice!




My nephew who’s going to be 2 years old next month has already started making choices on what to eat, whom to go out with, which clothes to wear, where to sit in the car etc. These little acts of his are a treat to watch for all of us and especially for his grandparents. They love narrating these wonderful stories to everyone around and derive a great pleasure out of it. The choices that he makes at this budding stage of life, what are now considered amazing and bring in a great sense of pride, will soon turn out to question his ability to make choices! Be it choosing his set of friends, managing his pocket money, style of clothing, outlook towards life, everything will soon be questioned. The older generation never seems to agree with the younger generation on a lot of issues. The behavior that once gave them pleasure and a sense of pride is now seen as being aggressive, irresponsible, casual, and non- committal. Where is the gap? What has changed? What is to be learnt and what needs to be unlearnt? What can be appreciated and what needs to be corrected? What is to be accepted and what is to be …?

The fact is that the human mind, whether at 2 years or at any age, is always eager to explore and is curious about everything around it.  Especially in today’s world considering that there are too many options to choose from. Right from the brand of tooth paste to one’s favorite breakfast cereal, from the right course and subjects in college to fancy gizmos that ‘suit’ ones style. Whom to believe and whom to stay away from. And if you’re a parent you come across some great puzzles that need to be solved, what to say and what not to say to your children?  When to guide them and when to let them be independent. Everything seems so confusing. My friend always says that it’s good to be in a state of confusion because it gives you options to make a choice.  Makes sense to me. It does seem better to have a lot of options to choose from rather than not have any at all. We’re all (most of our species) born with this innate cognitive ability best suited for this process.  However it is important to give our mind enough exercises to gain expertise in making the right choices. Orienting our thinking towards making right choices is not an easy thing, but it’s not difficult either. All it takes is patience, self belief and the skill.

Making a choice brings in responsibility and shapes one’s individuality too. Not every person can make perfect choices at every stage of life and it is irrational on our part to expect them to do so.  As a matter of fact, perfection is a result of some good and bad choices and its resulting experience. In all probability, we would actually be helping our dear ones if we allow them to make some right and wrong choices as well and stand by them when things go wrong and applaud them when everything goes well.. Give your loved one’s your moral support, build their confidence and give them clarity to become aware of what worked and what didn’t!

These are few steps that help you while making a choice or taking a decision.

.Take time to make choices initially as you’ll have time to weigh the pros and cons of the choice made.

. Ask yourself, why this is  your choice ? Preferably write in your personal diary or your daily journal to get clarity.

. Listen to your body and mind. It gives you indications on the choices made, observe if you’re happy, tensed or anxious on the choice made. Preferably allow yourself to relax for some time and then check on this.

.Listen to your inner guidance that we are all blessed with!  Have faith in yourself and your inner instincts and tune in to get the best of yourself.

.Remember, life is full of choices and best things are yet to come to you!
