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Jesus Christ is a Tamil Hindu!


- RSS is going to reissue a book that states Jesus Christ as Vishwakarma Brahmin born in Tamil Nadu.

- The book named as `Christ Parichay’ is written in 1946 by Ganesh Damodar Savarkar.

- Ganesh Savarkar is the brother of Veer Savarkar and one of the five people who founded RSS.

- According to the author, Christianity is a sect of Hinduism.

- Author claims that the real name of Jesus Christ is Keshao Krishna!

- Ganesh writes that Christ indeed spoke in Tamil and wore the dress of Hindus.

- After crucifixion, Christ was healed by yogis and he was taken to Kashmir- says Ganesh.

- Christ has spent his last days by meditating on Lord Shiva in Himalayas- according to the book.

- Well! Ganesh was not the first one to claim that Chirst has a connection with either India or Kashmir, but none of them were found to be valid!