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It’s Midsummer already and the sun is getting furious day by day heating up the city to core temperatures whilst the million dollar question of whether to grow facial hair pops up in beard lovers. Beards are cool but the question is how to carry them comfortably without much hassle . Long beards are however hot, sweaty, and uncomfortable in the high Summer heat and humidity but that does not stop us men to carry a beard and still keep it cool and instead use the beard as a shield from summer tan.

Summer is not an excuse to shave your beard. So, we better learn some tips to maintain decent length of your facial hair and still keep it trendy adding up to your masculine look.

Here’s how!

Go for a shorter version of your sculpted shape — a bit longer than designer stubble on the sides, say 10mm, and fuller around your chin — 20-30mm. Fade down under your chin and into the neck, and shave off any strays that exist further down to make it look smart.

In the summer we all tend to get a little stinky in the heat , so make sure to habit up beard washing routine.

Just like washing your hair, washing your beard can strip the hair of healthy oils and it will need to be rehydrated. Beard softeners come to rescue when the hair gets dehydrated.
Hydrate your skin and hair using beard oils which moisturize dried skin and nurtures facial hair.

Beards hold a bit of air space, which can be cooled by blasting with a hairdryer on the cold setting or by splashing on water, let it dry naturally on the way into work on hot days.

Beard up your face with summer styles such as Norris Cripper , Low cut, Chin Curtain, the dirty shave etcetera for building up the more masculine hipster look.

