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Why should we save WATER


Water is the only substance on earth found in all three states i.e., solid, liquid and gas. And it is often described as the nector of life. But people often ignore the importance of water unless they feel the heat of its scarcity. Here are some of the facts about the role of water in our daily lives and the ways to save it


- 60% of our body constitutes water. Water helps to regulate out body temperature; lubricate the joints; moisture the tissues; carry nutrients through blood and digest the food. In short... we can’t imagine humans without water.


- Though we gain some water through meals and fruits, at least 2 litres of additional water is said to be needed to stay healthy. This means that we should be drinking atleast 8 glasses of water... especially in the summer.


- Water constitutes over 70 percent of the earth; much of it can't serve the purpose of humans. 90% of water is either in the form of salt water which we can't drink or in the form of glaciers which we can't utilise.


- With the rapid increase in the population and industries, the resources of drinking water are getting scant. We are failing in tapping the rain water, reusing the drain and avoiding the wastage. In short, we haven’t yet mastered of water management. By now it might be clear that if we waste the limited water resources, our own future would be in chaos. The following precautions would certainly save gallons of water every year...


- Take bath with a mug instead of a shower. This alone could save at least 10 litres of water per day! And if you are addicted to shower baths, use such showers which consume less water.


- Don't leave the water running from the faucet while you are brushing or washing your hands.


- If you find a leak, how tiny it might be... get it fixed. A drip of leak every second is in fact a few litres per day!


- If you love to water your garden, do it with a device that consumes least amount of water. Further, devices such as sprinklers could save a lot of water without harming the purpose.


- Never spill the water left in your glass or buckets. Let it be used for some other purpose.


- People often use water to clean the sheds and the corridors. This could involve a lot of water which can be substituted by just a... broom!


- We might get a lot of waste water from the water purifiers. Such water can be used for watering the plants or flushing the toilets.


These are just a few ways to save water. But the list can be extended forever. In every manner you utilise the water, there is a way to save a part of it.


- Nirjara.