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Green Tea Relief from Rheumatoid Arthritis


Arthritis is of over 100 kinds but the most common being OsteoArthritis. Rheumatoid Arthritis is one other frequently heard autoimmune disease which causes inflammation in joints and forcing them to ache and disable them to function actively. It is two to three times more common in women than in men and occurs usually between the age 40-50. Joint stiffness, joint pains, swelling and Anaemia are the symtoms..Doctors detect Rheumatoid Arthritis in patients complaining of reduced speed in joint movements, swelling, loss of appetite and joint pains in wrists, knees, ankles, finger joints, affecting the cartilage and bone, and worst cases show joint deformity. There is no permanent cure found yet, however many treatments are promising to offer long term relief from symptoms.


In a recent study published in a health journal, early 2016, it was shown that a compound EGCG found in Green Tea effectively relieved joint swelling. The main reason this study was conducted is because most pain relief treatments that include Anti-Steroidal Anti-inflammatory drugs for Rheumatoid Arthritis are highly expensive and are not suitable to be used on a longterm basis due to their side effects. There should be a pain relief option that is affordable and one that has no serious side effects.



When mouse models were given green tea for 10days, it was noticed that the compound reduced swelling in ankles substantially. This compound treats the problem without disturbing the other cellular activities in human body. The anti-inflammatory qualities of green tea subdue the swelling in the joints and offer pain relief and flexible movement of the joints.


However, there have been other articles produced and studies conducted which talk about the disadvantages of over-consumption of green tea..hence long term relief from this kind of arthritis using EGCG green tea compound has not been yet proved..for someone who has been suffering from Rheumatoid arthritis for quite sometime, 'whether green tea offers enough relief or not', is also yet to be proved through further study. Someone who has done some research on green tea and its health benefits be very careful before starting his/her own treatment therapy of a green tea diet..proper medical advice is seriously suggested.

- Prathyusha