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An accomplice to the suicide


“You are going to suicide” John asked excitingly.

“Yes I am” I've confirmed him, but why is he so excited!

“Wow! That’s great, how would you do that?

“By hanging” I said confused by his odd reaction, how can you be so excited at your friend’s suicide!

“By hanging, cool! That’s the easiest way; I've even read that it isn’t much painful.’


I looked at him angrily, he’s supposed to console me and stop me from my attempt, give me some moral support as I'm in a desperate situation; no job, no money, no family and today even my girl friend has walked out of my life, John is the only person left in my life who could be of some comfort in my depression, but he too…


“What are you thinking man? Get ready before your mood changes, ok let me help” said John and began to make arrangements for my suicide!!!


He took a blanket from the shelf and stretched to see whether it is thick enough to bear my weight, he then tied it to the ceiling fan and made a knot at the other end to fit my head, he then looked attentively around the room as if he is searching for something, his eyes twinkled as he looked at a stool which is in the corner, he alternatively looked at me and at the stool as if he’s making some calculations and finally seemed to be satisfied that it would serve the purpose, he then dragged the stool beneath the ceiling fan and said to me “Now everything’s ready for your suicide, I’ll be back in two minutes and then you can proceed with your suicide” and went out hurriedly.


God! What’s happening to me? Won’t you let me have some peace even before my death! As tears rolled down my eyes, I stood there shocked at the situation.


John came back within a few minutes carrying a bag with him, he sat in a corner of the room which would give him the best view and leisurely opened the bag which he brought with him – A chips packet and a coke bottle!


“You see” John said to my shocked mind “I've always heard of murders and suicides, but I've never seen one actually, now that you are going to suicide, I’d be thrilled to watch it” and began to open the chips packet in his hand.


My heart boiled as I watched his actions that mocked my misery, I moved swiftly towards and kicked hard in his ribs with the strength of my desperation, as he fell down in pain, I waited for him to wake up so that I could strike again.


“That’s what the life is, isn’t it!” John said slowly, still feeling the pain in his ribs. “It won’t care for your emotions, it won’t pamper your desires, it won’t pity your failures, worst of all it mocks you even at your death, but once when you start fighting back and dictate your own terms, it would kneel before you trying to convince you”


As the words of John slowly descended into me, I realised the whole purpose behind his peculiar acts, he made me to Fight Back.


