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Why is Breakfast a must?

Many people love to shed some calories but don’t have enough time or commitment to shed it in the proper way. So! Many try to skip their breakfast to achieve the loss weight. But alas! We seldom come across a person who has lost weight by regularly skipping his breakfast. But we often come across the news that... `Skipping breakfast might be injurious to health.’ And this is why...

Fills the empty cup
Breaking the fast is a way to provide our body with enough fuel. Our bodies after a long sleep would be craving for the essential calories and nutrients needed to step into the daily routine. We could be messing with the sugar levels in the body if we don’t take a breakfast. That might be the reason why, skipping the breakfast is associated with diabetes by a research published in the `American Journal of Clinical Nutrition’.

Kicks the day off
It isn’t a weakness to feel lazy during the early hours. Man is indeed a lazy being and loves to stay cozy in bed. Breakfasts are known to shatter the morning laziness and get us prepared for the day. It gives a boost to our metabolism which allows the body to start burning the calories.

Let’s us stay focussed
Whether it is a housewife or a job doing husband or a school going child... everyone needs to stay focussed throughout the day to accomplish their tasks. And breakfast is proven to induce such focus. Having breakfast is said to improve the cognitive functions in our brain. Children who breakfast regularly are known to attain better grades and be vigilant in their classrooms.

Weight Loss!
Surprising, but having regular breakfast is linked with losing weight. Researchers have provided us with lots of reasons for such conclusion.

- Eating breakfast is known to reduce hunger throughout the day.
- People who skip breakfast are prone to eat much food during their lunch. This means that we are    providing our body with too many calories! Such a habit is known to create a chain reaction within  our body leading to higher deposits of LDL (bad) cholesterol.
- People who breakfast regularly are known to make better choices of food at other meals, as they  are less hungry.
- Traditional breakfasts mostly consist of foods such as eggs, cornflakes, whole wheat bread, fruits,  Idli’s... which are low in fat but high in nutritional values.

People who breakfast daily are known to be healthier than others.... and after taking a look at the above factors, we can see why!


- Nirjara.