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Conductor locks a girl in the bus


In a bizarre incident that took place in Bengaluru, a conductor has allegedly locked up a girl in the metropolitan bus. The incident has gone viral after the girl posted the matter on her Facebook. According to the victim, she was travelling along with her boy friend on the bus. An altercation has developed between the conductor and her friend for standing in the middle of the bus. The argument took violent turn as the conductor stopped the bus and started abusing her friend.


Fearing at the ugly turn of events, her friend has fled the scene. But that did not pacify the anger of the conductor. He along with the driver has asked the passengers to leave the bus and led the vehicle to the nearby police station. There, they locked the bus for an hour and went inside the station. According to the victim, no one has responded to her pleas to let her get down the bus, and even the police has left her in a panicked state. Now that the matter has reached the media, the police has booked a case against the conductor. Such a ride!