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Beat Ill Health With Beet Root




With the growing awareness of health among the society, people began to get interested in various foods that are previously undermined. Beetroot is one among such foods which are often neglected despite their miraculous nutritional value. Watch out!


Blood Pressure!
The first healing power that comes into mind along with beetroot is its ability to lower the blood pressure. Beet root is a great source of nitrates. Physicians are confident that nitrates would decrease blood pressure within hours. A study in 2010 by UK researchers has proved the point without any doubt left. So if you are the one suffering with hypertension... beet root would always be a choice to be included in your weekly menu.


Many think that the red colour in Beet root is responsible for producing blood in us. Though that isn’t the truth, beet root does help in anaemic conditions. Beet root being rich in iron would help in producing enough Red Blood Cells.


The nitrates in the beet root would result in producing nitric oxide when consumed. This nitric oxide is known to dilate the blood vessels improving the flow of oxygen in the body. These nitrates along with the iron present in beet root are thus useful in getting relieved from fatigue.


Beet root many not be a remedy for the diabetic. But, it certainly satisfies their sugar carving. Beet root might taste sweet, but does not harm much to our sugar levels. Unlike many other foods, the sugars released from beet root won’t rush into our body. They get slowly released. Further, beet root is known to be low in calories and fibre which places it in much safer position in our menu.


It’s hard to ignore the importance of Folic acid during pregnancy. Regular and sufficient intake of folic acid is a must for a healthy foetus. Beet root is known to be great source for folic acid. Apart from that, it contains multi vitamins and minerals which form a great substitute for the pregnant women.


The list of benefits from beet root is exclusive.  From Constipation to Cancer... Beet root was proved to useful in various symptoms! Forget the health benefit... Apart from turmeric, beet root is probably the most effective natural food colour. So a slice of beet root can certainly be a part of our daily cuisine.


A bit of advice:
Beetroots contain oxalates, a substance that prevents the body to absorb calcium and let it retain in our kidneys. If you are suffering from kidney stones, it’s better to have professional advice before including beet root in your diet.


- Nirjara.