Party Props


Years ago face masks were so popular with Birthday parties, typically the Animal masks and most popular were the clown masks....these days, Party props are becoming famous again. People are slowly coming out of the party shyness and getting ready to wear a funny mask and create memories.

These props come in different themes, we can make festive themes, occasional themes, they are pretty simple to make at home too. Many websites are offering free downloadable stencils of these props. We just have to register in the site, download and then color the stencils, sometimes they come colored already. To hold them, we just attach a kabab stick or a long pencil. Using props in a party changes the atmosphere to funny and joyous.

Photographs with these props in are highlights from a party. What amazing memories. This time you plan a party, think of these props appropriate to the theme and reason for the party and then tell us how successful your party turns out!!

- Prathyusha Talluri