Stick to Healthy Diet for Weight Loss

Weight Loss Advice Diet, Stick Your Diet, Lose Weight Fast, Best Weight Loss Diets: People can get slimmer in six months without dieting. The more fat you stop eating, the more weight is lost, says a new research from the University of East Anglia (UEA).

* The results prove for the first time that weight loss is possible simply by choosing foods lower in fat despite a plethora of recent publicity extolling the benefits of low-carbohydrate and no-carb diets, the British Medical Journal reported.

* Lee Hooper from UEA's Norwich Medical School, who led the study, said the regime led to consistent lower weight for at least seven years.

* "The weight reduction that we found when people ate less fat was remarkably consistent - we saw it in almost every trial. Those who cut down more on fat, lost more weight," she said, according to the Daily Mail.

* "The effect isn't dramatic, like going on a diet. The research specifically looked at people who were cutting down on fat, but didn't aim to lose weight so they were continuing to consume a normal amount of food," added Hooper.

* The systematic review included results from 33 randomised controlled trials, lasting six months to eight years, involving 73,589 men, women and children with varying states of health.