I'm Fluent in Tamil: Naga Chaitanya

on Aug 4, 2011

No of controversies are important these days than no of films and this line aptly suits Naga Chaitanya. He's hardly 3 films old but Naga Chaitanya has already hit the headlines many a times with controversies. During a press conference when Naga Chaitanya was asked about his spat with Kajal Agarwal, the actor said Kajal is his best friend and amazing costar and has rubbished all rumors about his fiasco with Kajal Agarwal.


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Asked about Anushka's marriage link up with him, Naga Chaitanya said that he has no idea about  where did it started. My marriage with Anushka is just a false”. The Yuvasamrat further said that he would call the press and let them know about his marriage.


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Briefing about his Telugu accent and language difficulties, Chaitu said that he was born and brought up in Chennai. As such, he's fluent in Tamil and not in Telugu. This is one of the reasons he's extra cautious when dubbing for his lines. “I'm game for a bilingual movie if any producer is interested”, said Naga Chaitanya. Producers...are you listening this!

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