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Vijay Devarakonda insults Hindu beliefs !


Vijay Devarakonda Aka Arjun Reddy would always hear his mind and doesn’t care about what others think. But he would have by now learnt that there are some exceptions to this case. This is all about a song sung by Vijay himself for the movie Gita Govindam. Vijay has lent his voice for a song in this movie- `What the F’. Well! Critics have blasted Vijay for his bad vocals and here comes the real trouble. The lyrics in the song directly targets Hindu Epic characters Sita and Savitri. The producers has immediately realised their mistake and has withdrawn the song from the You Tube. But that was too late. Hindu organisations have now turned their guns towards Vijay and even a case has been filed against him. Well! How would Vijay respond to this controversy would now be interesting.