Transform your single Studio Room


Studio Apartments or single large room tenements are ideal for bachelors’. But they also come with issues like clutter and where to put what. Try these known but simple tips to help you do up your studio pad into a wonderful and organized living space.

->Once you know your space, you need to demarcate your living areas as to where you want the kitchen, TV set up, bed and your storage places.

->If the room has a platform for the kitchen area you could think about storage places to put your dishes and cutlery and make sure they don’t spill over.

->You could consider using a curtain or partition to separate your bedroom from the rest of the room for privacy. These can pushed back for space when not in use. Use colors like white or grey so that it doesn't look too dark.

->If you are on a budget you could look at purchasing second hand storage spaces to keep your clothes and other stuff.

->When it comes to a bed you could buy those which are fold able into a small Diwan and also have storage space in them. It serves as double purpose.

->If the room has a separate nook or corner you could convert that into your reading place where you could keep a chair and lamp and your books in that corner.

->If the place has huge window, try making the most of it for letting sunlight in and use a colorful drapery to give it a nice look.

->And last but not the least - Avoid clutter. Keep things that are only useful and functional and if you are done using an item throw it or give it away to avoid clutter.

Since you are the master of your single studio domain it is best to keep your place functional and hassle free and enjoy the bliss of your home.