వంటలకి ఏ నూనె వాడితే ఆరోగ్యానికి మంచిది ?


Like everything even fats are categorized as good and bad fats. There is always a misconception that if you have to reduce the fat in body - completely give up on the oil intake. But this is not right. Good fat is very essential says Dr Janaki Sainath. Even after making a right choice of oil - if it exceeds the optimum amount of oil intake then it is as good as making a bad choice of oil says the Doctor Saturated Fat, MonoUnsaturated Fat, Omega 6 and Omega 3 Fatty Acids are a must in everyday diet. All these must be balanced with each other. But it is noticed that people end up consuming more of only omega 6 fatty acid and very less of Omega 3 thus creating imbalance and increasing the rate of inflammatory diseases. To know more of such important health tips do not forget to watch this video......  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fheQuniQoa0