Do we need new year resolutions


1. Don’t make any resolutions, just flow with life as it is

Many people start new year with resolutions. What happens a few days down the line, is that all the resolutions become just one more reason to blame yourself, for not following again. Resolutions say I do not like my life or myself, that is a recipe for more suffering. Don’t make any resolutions, just enjoy each moment, enjoy yourself in each experience.


For just few days, forget about achievements, productivity, perfection, or such things. In fact, try it now. Just close your eyes and see how does it feel if you do not have to achieve or attain anything new, if you are perfect just the way you are. It feels like freedom, is n’t it? If you attempt to do something new, do it as a celebration of you and your expression. Not because you need to change or fix yourself or your life.


2. Stop, slow down, savour what life brings you in each moment


If we look around us today, most of our lives go in running after future happiness while we lose the current moment in that process of running.


Let go of that restlessness to achieve name and fame, to attain happiness, to prove your worth, to gain some cool new gadget. Stop, slow down, savour the goodness in this moment. Allow life to come to you, you do not have to run after it. The beauty of life is not revealed when we are running for future but only when we relax into the experience of it now. You can connect with yourself only when you slow down into the experience. Engage with Life, connect with yourself.


It is as if you keep cooking good food, dish after dish without even sitting down for a single meal for a single day. You got so busy cooking you have no time to relish the goodness of any of those dishes.


3. Don’t celebrate the New Year, celebrate yourself on the New Year day


New year celebrations are usually like I want to belong to this group, to be seen as cool dude, or to prove I too can drink, dance and have fun. But what would you do on New Year if you are celebrating Yourself as a unique individual? How would you celebrate your life, as your unique creation?


Do you know you living your life is a gift to the divine? We come into this Universe to experience life uniquely, so each experience when we relax into it and allow it, we are gifting it to the divine. Your life is one Unique creation of the divine. And you are the most important thing in your life. So celebrate Life for what it is, celebrate yourself for who you are. 


4. Look at life with compassion, you are the creator of life not it’s victim


Life is not learning, life is not struggling or fighting. Life is not an accident. Life is not luck or destiny. Life is your own creation. An experience you have created for yourself with Love. You do not abandon your own baby just because it doesn’t look perfect, do you? In fact, a loving mother sees perfection even in the imperfections of her child. So it is with your life. It is your creation, be compassionate with yourself for creating it as it is right now. You will see the perfection when you are able to accept all of it, just as it is.


Let us all do it together now


1. Close your eyes, take a few deep breaths and relax.
2. Focus on your heart or at centre of your chest and relax into this space.
3.You can repeat to yourself, “I love myself and accept myself just the way I am”.
4. Look at yourself with compassion and tenderness in your heart.
5. Allow yourself to to feel this love and tenderness for yourself.

6. Now look at yourself in the past year, what significant or memorable events had happened?
7. Hold the intention to just witness them with love and compassion, without having to judge them as good or bad.

8. Allow each of the experiences to appear at random and move on, making space for the next one.

9. As they appear, see if they bring up pleasant or painful memories

10. If the memory is painful, extend your understanding, assurance and compassion to yourself. Appreciate yourself for being there, going through the experience.

11. If the memory is pleasant, appreciate life for bringing the experience to you. Express your gratitude, thanks to yourself for creating such a beautiful experience.


Ramakrishna Maguluri

Engaging with life