Learning From A Zebra

Nature is wide and varied. It has many things to teach us. The creatures living in it, and even the non-living elements has something to tell us. That was the reason why Lord Dattreya has stated, that he has 24 gurus in nature. Zebra is not certainly among the list. But it’s interesting to find some characters of Zebra that gives us a hint of living skills.


Zebras have a pattern of black and white stripes over their body. It is said that every Zebra has a sole pattern of these stripes. Even though the researchers have not concluded, these were believed to be their identification. Which means, a zebra can be identified by others in the group, with the help of the those stripes. Zebras leave a hint for others to be unique and stay unique. Uniqueness would be your identification.

Social but not social:

Zebras are social animals, they move in groups. They face the small predators (like the jackals) unitedly. But some sub-species of Zebras has a unique trait. They are social, but are ready to get away from the group at any time. Which means… though they seem to be part of the group- they have a sense of detachment within them. A Zebra indicates us to stay in the world- but with a sense of detachment!


Zebras have better senses than the horses, which are their relative species. Their eyes are positioned to have a wider angle, their ears are shaped to grasp the slightest of sound, their vision works even during the night. Moreover, they can sleep even in a standing posture, to be ready for a take off from the predators.  Zebras live in jungle freely, and they always have enough tatics to espace their predators. Still they won’t neglect the perils around their life.

Confusing the enimies:

Zebras have many tactics to confuse the animals chasing them. When a predator looks the herd of zebras, the stripes of all zebras together confuses the killer. It’s hard to distinguish the individual Zebras from a distance. That might probably be the reason, why a group of zebras were called as `Dazzle`! Even if the predators chooses to run against a particular Zebra, it won’t be an easy meat. The zebra runs in a zigzag movement. Such movements makes it unpredictable for the chaser. Confusing the enemy and making unpredictable moves keep a Zebra safe from the predators.

Never be a slave:

People are ready to do anything even for a tiny favor. Over obedience is the common trait that can be found everywhere. Zebras gives a cue against such behavious. Zebras can indeed pull carts and run at a speed of 60 k.m per hour. Though zebras belong to a common race of horses, they have never allowed humans to domesticate them. Every attempt to domesticate Zebra has utterly failed. And Zebras were leading their own lives in the jungles peacefully.

- Nirjara.