Over the years, Ghee has been held culprit for fat in our bodies. Though the ancient cooking wisdom suggests the usage of ghee, the health conscious Indians have been avoiding it for decades. But the present dieticians were suggesting us to add a few teaspoons of cow ghee to our recipes. The reasons being…


Brain food

Our elders used to advice us to add ghee in the food, especially for the growing children. They used to insist that ghee has a positive role in the development of our brain. Various researches were proving it right. Ghee contains huge amounts of Omega 3 fatty acids. There is enough evidence to prove that Omega 3 fatty acids would help our mental health. Apart from improving the memory, they were even found to treat psychological ailments like depression.


Most of the cooking oils might slow our digestive process down. But ghee is known to stimulate the secretion of digestive acids and fasten up the process. Adding a tea spoon of ghee to the foods that are hard to digest would make things better. Ghee would also improve the taste of the food we take, thereby inducing the salivary glands to produce more digestive juice. Ghee is prescribed in ayurveda for treating ulcers and constipation. The ‘butyric acid’ is known to heal the intestines and clear many digestive problems.

Shedding weight

Ghee contains high levels of saturated fat which might increase the cholesterol levels. But if you are healthy and your cholesterol levels are normal, ghee would help your body to retain a perfect shape. ‘Conjugated linoleic acid’ (CLA) in the ghee is known to fight cancer and reduce obesity. Ghee is known to contain amino acids that mobilize the fat and prevent it to clog in particular places.

For glowing skin

Ghee is rich in vitamins A and E, which are good for skin. Besides the nutrients, the cholesterol provided by ghee would give a healthy shape to the body. Ghee also retains the moisture in the skin. It can also be applied directly to cure dry and chapped skin. Ghee is the best moisturizer for the lips. In ayurveda, ghee is even applied for healing the burnt wounds.


Ghee is said to boost the antioxidants in the body. The antioxidants would work against the free radicals that reduce the immunity in our body. From eye to heart, the antioxidants would help in the health of various organs. Besides they would boost our immunity and slows down the process of ageing.

These are just a few reasons to add a tea spoon of ghee daily to our diet. Ghee is believed to effect a soothing relief in various chronic ailments such as in arthritis. Every once in a while some research comes open proving the benefits of ghee, which of course has been known for centuries by our elders.

- Nirjara.