Feeding our Bones!!


Our bones usually remain strong through-out our adulthood. Theybegan to thin out once we pass the 30s! In women it is accelerated post-menopause. This is though inevitable, but we can at the least decelerate the pace at which our bones become weak!

Calcium is utmost needed for strong bones. afults upto an age of 50 require 1000 milligrams of the mineral, from 51 years onwards 1200 illigrams are to be consumed. when compared to men, women requie a tad more quantity the mineral.

Milk being the richest and easily available source. So, make it a point to gulp down a cup of milk be it be low-fat, skim, or whole. If milk does not fit well into your diet, then replace it with yogaurt or cheese, both are excellent options even for lactose-intolerants! Apart from, milk and dairy products, sardines are also great source of calcium, these little fish have all that is required for the replenishment of the bone mass. Green veggies  too have abundance of this bone strengthening mineral.

The best way to get our nutrients through food. but if calcium abtained from food is not enough, supplements can fill the gap! These supplement tabs can be taken anytime! And most importantly, the usage of ctable salt should be minimzed, as it prevents the body from absorbing calcium from the food intake.

Vitamin D is yet another agent that holds the bones intact! Salmon and other fatty fish have this bone-boosting nutrient. Sunshine is responsible for the production of vitamin D in our bodies on exposure to sunlight!

Take Care!! Stay Healthy!!