Boost your Self Esteem-1

Self-esteem is how we value ourselves; it is how we perceive our value to the world and how valuable we think we are to others. Self-esteem affects our trust in others, our relationships, our  work – nearly every part of our lives. Positive self-esteem gives us the strength and flexibility to take charge of our lives and grow from our mistakes without the fear of rejection. 

Begin to practice self-esteem fostering thoughts and behaviors. Start acting as though you believe in yourself and love who you are even if your feelings haven’t caught up. Give yourself legitimate reasons to feel proud, accomplished, and worthwhile through learning, personal growth, goal-setting and achievement. Once you accept the unique perfection of whom you are and what you offer the world, you will find that you are more deserving than anyone of your own love and affection.

We present a 5 part series based on key areas which you can work on to help boost your self confidence and esteem.

Here are the first set of 10 actions you can start with to  begin improving your self-esteem:

1. Become proficient at something

When you practice and become skilled at something you enjoy, your increasing competency and the discipline of practice will be a source of pride and fulfillment for you.
2. Reclaim your integrity
If you are living outside of your integrity, you will feel disoriented, guilty, and drained. Define what integrity means for you, and make the necessary changes to live in accordance with it.
3. Exercise
Exercise makes you feel better physically, mentally, and emotionally. It provides a sense of control over your health and vitality.
4. Volunteer
When we serve and support other people, we feel uplifted and valued. We have found a way to show empathy and connection through service.
5. Take care of a pet
Pets offer unconditional love and fulfill our longing for attention and affection. Pets teach us compassion and responsibility, taking the focus off of our own problems.
6. Care about your appearance
When you look your best, you feel better. You project an outward image of self-esteem and confidence — even if you don’t feel that way. But when you act “as if” you have self-esteem, eventually your feelings will catch up.
7. Do something creative
Creative endeavors put you in the “flow” state in which you are intently engaged in what you are doing. It stimulates the brain and potentially leads you to a passion or avocation.
8. Heal past wounds
Past issues and traumas can keep you trapped in low self-esteem. Seek the support of a trained counselor to help you heal the wounds of the past.
9. Plan something exciting
Plan for a trip or adventure so that you have something exciting to look forward to. Just the planning process with make you feel engaged and purposeful.
10. Have a change of scenery
Actually going on a trip, working from another location, or spending time out of your house will give you a boost of energy and motivation.