Clearing clutter transforms your life


We have spent enough time accumulating things for our living spaces and in the name of organizing things we see that we have gathered enough stuff that we begin to see that its is a reflection of our state of mind. If there's one deeper, universal truth, than it's that clutter can prevent us from letting anything new into our lives. As you see the clutter growing we begin to feel overwhelmed and it is only when we shift our houses that we realize how much of stuff we have gathered .


Getting started to de -clutter your home:

There is no need to start immediately ! Do it phase wise.Your house is a reflection of your self.Shift your perspective and see what you need and what you don’t and work on individual spaces.This can be done phase wise and room by room.Ask yourself : Do I love it? and Do I need it? This will help you   get a more objective view of what was taking up space.


Once you begin to  get an objective, clear-eyed view of the  clutter, we were ready for phase two -- no, not clearing out, but planning. Specifically, making a plan to prevent future clutter and a plan for moving out existing clutter. It's pretty simple: First, determine where clutter is coming from and shut off the flow.

If the items are too valuable you can donate to charity or old age homes or if its is of no use to anyone just throw the stuff away. Donate those old books to the  local library or to a school for under privileged. 

Now we were ready to roll on actually clearing space. which is phase three.Most people find that the energy generated during this part propels them forward, but to avoid feeling overwhelmed at the outset, work in a specific area at a time for 30 minutes a day -to sort through the clutter.

Keep the garbage bags, boxes, ready and  "When in doubt, throw it out," once you start you get motivated to get the job done. You will  experience one of the biggest perks of clutter clearing: a feeling of greater emotional and mental space -- a sense of greater ease, of having more time and less stress.

In a span of a few days or week based on the plan you have made  you will feel better and  the changes will be much deeper. You will feel much better about yourself and have more energy, feel more "togetherness," with your family member and just felt more enthusiastic about life in general .See what happens when we make the space for something to enter our life and when the old is pushed out.

Obstacles you may encounter while clearing out your clutter:

Procrastination- Don't feel overwhelmed by the task, make baby steps towards cleaning.These are tiny steps -- five minutes or less -- that will move you toward completing your project. 

Paper -Just keep those  financial and legal documents which are important to us and release attachment to all kinds of information like unused recipes stuck in a file, old magazine articles ,paintings etc. Use the internet and find what you want.

The Past- By hanging on to  items which keeps us attached to the past. Ask yourself, What do I need to do to complete the past and let go? 

You will feel amazing; happier, lighter and free! when you clear up the physical clutter in your life. This creates space and possibility for the “new” to enter your life that you can start to change your life and begin to live a life that you love.

Clear the old and enjoy the new!

- Charitha