We should always make sure our surroundings are clean and tidy but cleaning and cleaning, too much of cleaning might put us in trouble.

You can clean before guests come. As the guests start to arrive, stop cleaning, stop to bother about the pillows to be where they should be even when the guests are sitting around, the floor to be tidy always..if they find you making the bed while you are giving them a tour of your home, cleaning your kitchen counter when you are showing them your kitchen annoys people, and they might end up commenting that you are a Clean Freak. You will be a talk of the town soon. There is a delicate difference between "Your home being neat and clean" and "Your home being too clean to handle"...

Take it easy at times, dont worry too much, getting excited about cleaning the house before having guests doesnot give you any peace.

Clean at a time when you are most happy and energized. Plan ahead, do things one by one. Your house-keeping skills will be appreciated and you will not be commented for being a clean freak....Take care...


- Prathyusha Talluri