Aratikaya Iguru
Author : Teluguone
Preparation Time : 10min
Cooking Time : 15min
Yield : 5-6
4.0 Stars based on 291 : Reviews
Published On : May 17, 2011
Recipe Category : Vegetarian
Recipe Type : Meals
Total Time : 30min
Ingredient : Aratikaya Iguru

Aratikaya Iguru

Recipe of Aratikaya Iguru

Aratikaya Iguru

Directions | How to make  Aratikaya Iguru



Aratikaya Iguru


Aratikaya iguru is very tasty goes well with rice and rotis..its easy..simple and quickly made curry...with this plantain curry v can make two is the curry with the inner part of plantain and chetni with the skin of plantain...this Aratikaya iguru is similar to bangaladumpa iguru.


Ingredients :-



green chilies4

curry leaves 

oil 3 tspns

crushed garlic cloves 3

redchillies 3

chana dal 1/2 tspn

urad dal 1/2 tspn

mustard seeds 1/2 tspn

cumin seeds 1/2 tspn

turmeric powder

chilli powder

salt to taste


Cooking Methods :-

Cut the plantains to three pieces ..and pressure cook them till one whistle..add little salt while cooking so that the pieces absorb salt...let it cool down and remove the skin.. now cut the cooked plantain pieces into small cubes....

Cut the onions and green chillies into long slices.. Now heat the kadai with oil ..when the oil is hot enough reduce the flame to sim and add crushed garlic cloves to it and sauté it till the garlic turn slight brown in color( do not let garlic burn)...

Now add chana dal,urad dal,mustard seeds, cumin seeds, red chilies(make single cut to red chillies) and sauté till the mustard add chopped onions,green chillies and curry leaves..sauté for 5 covering the lid..

Now add salt,turmeric powder and red chilli powder to onions (if we add salt,turmeric and chilli powder in tadka will spread evenly to the vegetable when added)..stir them well and add plantain slices....and stir them not mash we added everything like turmeric ,

Salt and chilli powder in tadka itself...they will stick well to the pieces along with the cover the lid and let it cook for 10 minutes...

So that the vegetable absorbs the spices...stir the curry carefully in the middle...all the cooking should be in low flame only...