Teach your Child Gardening and see them grow



Gardening - a hobby which is usually pursued by elders can actually be a wonderful method to teach new skills to children. They can learn new skills, have fun, enjoy and develop self-confidence by spending time in the garden learning how to grow plants and watch them grow.  Apart from getting their hands dirty which they love to do they get the opportunity be outdoors and get the right amount of sunshine.

Holistic approach to Gardening. According to the Waldorf and other Asian philosophies engaging children in playing in the sand and digging the soil to grow plants is extremely healing and also grounds the children to the mother earth. They learn to be at peace with themselves and their cognitive skills also improve.

Benefits of Gardening for children

1. The best point is that they have fun and enjoy being out doors

2. There is a scientific learning where they learn about saplings and how plants grow

3. They learn to be responsible while caring for plants
They learn to understand that plants need water, air and have to be tended to like little kids or else without either of these they die

4. They will learn about the different plants life and discover how they grow and their nutritional values

5. They learn to be more Self-confident when they see the sapling that they planted grows

6. They learn  to respect how  food to the table comes and how much time and effort it takes for fruits , vegetables and other plants take to grow

7. They will love to enjoy the beauty of nature  and

8. Finally they learn about teamwork and cooperation where they interact and share with other children while gardening as a group event.