Gluten free Diet Plan for Weight Loss

Gluten Free Diet Weight Loss, Gluten Free Diet, Gluten Free Weight Loss Plan: Gluten free diet is one of the latest trends in fad diets among celebrities. Several Hollywood stars have gone on a gluten-free diet, either by choice (taking it as a weight loss program) or are forced to adopt this diet because they suffer from Celiac disease in which one experience severe intolerance towards gluten.

* Celebrities like Lady Gaga, Miley Cyrus, Gwyneth Paltrow and Victoria Beckham are on gluten free diet just to improve their health and to lose weight, while stars like Elisabeth Hasselbeck, Zooey Deschanel and Emmy Rossum are the followers of this diet since they are the sufferers of the Celiac disease.

* As anyone would guess by hearing the name, a gluten-free diet is a diet plan that eliminates the foods that contain a protein called Gluten from the diet. Gluten is mainly found in wheat, rye, barley, triticale and malts. People on a gluten free diet have several choices to eat as there are many healthy and yummy foods that are naturally gluten-free, for example - fresh eggs, beans, seeds, nuts, fresh meat, fruits, vegetables and most of the dairy products.

* The only thing you must ensure is that they are unprocessed and not mixed with any gluten-containing preservatives or additives. Even certain grains and starches can be included in a gluten-free diet like buckwheat, arrowroot, millet, corn & corn meal, rice, potato, soy, bean and flax.

* It is very important for an individual on a gluten free diet to completely avoid all foods and drinks that contain barley, rye, wheat or triticale. Always look for gluten-free label before buying any food items. Even oats can become contaminated with wheat at some point in growing and processing stages of the production.

* So, doctors and dieticians suggest avoiding oats unless they come labeled as ‘gluten-free’. It is actually hard to follow this diet fad as many food items have hidden gluten in them, for example - gravy, sauces, salad dressings, hot dogs, sausages, flavored and herb cheeses, dry mustard, tomato paste, sweeteners, beverages, flavored coffees, flavored yogurts, some chocolates, cooking wines, frozen desserts, and lots more. So, always read labels before having such foods.