arger;">Brighten Up Your Eyes

Eyes are the most attractive and appealing part of a woman's body. So it is essential to make them look pretty and bright all the time. In an era where many women work in front of computers, there is a possibility of eyes becoming duller. However, constant care and attention can help us overcome this issue. Here are a few tips that can brighten up you eyes and make them look more expressive and beautiful. 

1. Always Moisturize Your Eyes :

Use a smooth moisturizer around the eyes and gently massage them for a couple of minutes everyday before you hit the bed. 

2. Kajal Is the Magic :

Most Indian women love using Kajal on their eyes. But here is a new tip !!! Never stop with just black. Mix and match your Kajal with two colors to make your eyes more vibrant. 

3. Do Not Over Pluck :

It is necessary to understand that hair growth reduces with age. This applies to eye brows as well. So you grow older, stop over plucking your eyebrows. Instead use tweezers to just set your eye brow curves right. 

4. Use a Different Vegetable :

Usage of cucumber on the eyes is old. Start using raw potato slices on the eyes to soothe your vision and also to remove the tan around the eye surface. 

5. Contrast Eye Shadows :

Eye shadows come in every color possible. Stop wearing the ones that match your clothes. Instead use a contrast color which will help you portray your eyes on the brighter side !!!