Healthy Beets Juice
Author : teluguone
Preparation Time : 10min
Cooking Time : 5min
Yield : 4
4.0 Stars based on 291 : Reviews
Published On : December 2, 2015
Recipe Category : Beverages
Recipe Type : Solo Dish
Total Time : 15min
Ingredient : Healthy Beets Juice

 Healthy Beets Juice

Recipe of Healthy Beets Juice

 Healthy Beets Juice

Directions | How to make   Healthy Beets Juice



Healthy Beets juice



It is proved  that liquids are easier on your digestive system in the morning than solid foods are? So try to  Kick off your day with some fruit and vegetable juices.

Super Antioxidant , red beets contain betalains, compounds that fight inflammation and support your detox by neutralizing toxins and making them water-soluble and easily flushed from the body.

Ingredients :

* 4 Carrots (Vit  A n C)
* 1 Apple (Natural Sweetner)
* 1 Beetroot (Antoxidents)
* 10/15 leaves of Pudina (For good Digestion )


* Put all the ingredients into a  blender. ,
* Dont add any water
* Drink immediately after making it,or else the taste might go sour
