Most of us do not realize that it is important for us to take care of our toothbrush to maintain oral health. So today, lets learn how to care for the toothbrush that takes care of our teeth. 

The first rule of toothbrush care is to keep it clean. After you have used the toothbrush to get rid of the germs in your mouth, help in get rid of the same. Wash it thoroughly with the tap water so it is clean for the next use.

For deep cleaning it is advised to keep your toothbrush under ultraviolet light. This will kill the micro organisms that negatively effect oral health. It is also important to take care where you put your toothbrush after using it. Putting it in medicine cabinet, drawer, or bathroom cup is not advisable!

Another important thing you need to keep track of is, the number of days you use your toothbrush for. It is best if you can get rid of your toothbrush after 3 - 4 months of use. Frayed bristles are a sign indicating you should say goodbye to your toothbrush now. 

Each time you recover from sickness gift yourself a new toothbrush. These rules apply to all kids of toothbrushes. Don’t give the electric toothbrush any special treatment. Take care of your toothbrush and smile bright!

-Kruti Beesam